
WR unter den "World’s Leading Patent Professionals 2024" (IAM Patent 1000)

Wir freuen uns sehr und fühlen uns geehrt, dass unsere Kanzlei wieder als gesamtes Team sowie - mittlerweile - 8 Berufsträger individuell durch dieses Ranking ausgezeichnet wurden.

IAM Patent 1000 konzentriert sich ausschließlich auf die Patentpraxis und definiert sich selbst als die wesentliche Recherchequelle für alle, die patentrechtliche Expertise auf Weltklasse-Standard suchen.  ("The Patent 1000 focuses exclusively on patent practice and has firmly established itself as the definitive 'go-to' resource for those seeking world-class legal patent expertise.")

Dieses Ranking benennt die "top patent professionals" in den wichtigsten Rechtsordnungen weltweit. Laut IAM basieren die Ergebnisse dieses Rankings auf der Befragung (in Form von Interviews) von über 1.800 Anwälten und Unternehmensjuristen, die über fünf Monate hinweg durchgeführt wurden. Für die Methodik der Erhebung verweisen wir auf die Erläuterungen von IAM

Das ist es, was die IAM-Ergebnisse über unser Team aussagen (jeweils mit Link zu den individuellen Profilen):

Dr. Christiane Maxien – laut IAM: “Christiane Maxien is a fantastic professional who delievers an excellent service. She always sticks to deadlines and her advice is very useful. Her expertise lies in supporting companies in the chemistry field with their worldwide portfolios.”

Dr. Cornelia Oetke – laut IAM: “Cornelia Oetke is a proactive practitioner who easily adapts to the needs of her patrons and acts as part of the in-house team. She is very diligent, reliable and works tirelessly to develop patent portfolios. Her scientific background and understanding of the market are greatly appreciated.”

Michael Platzöder – laut IAM: “The wonderfully well-rounded Michael Platzöder has a deeply strategic playbook to draw from when looking for ways to exploit and commercialize inventions. He has abundant industry experience and does a brilliant job at getting into the minds of inventors and understanding their needs.”

Dr. Mathias Ricker – laut IAM: “Mathias Ricker is responsive, deeply knowledgeable and experienced in the chemical field. He truly engages with the subject matter at hand, to provide quick, simple and business-oriented to daily IP questions as well as long-term strategy. His unique ideas and assistance beyond the core tasks are invaluable.”

Thomas Schachl – laut IAM: “Seasoned litigator Thomas Schachl is a confident advocate and savvy negotiator who puts in excellent performances before the German courts to enforce his patrons’ rights.”

Alexander Schlotter – laut IAM: “Alexander Schlotter engages easily with investors, understands their goals and spots opportunites to give patent portfolios commercial impetus. He provides industry leaders with sage advice on their portfolios, including prosecution opportunities and opposition proceedings.”

Dr. Holger Tostmann – laut IAM: “Holger Tostmann is extremely knowledgeable and a true expert in opposition, opinion and counseling work, as well as portfolio management. His commercial approach, technical understanding and global mindset make him a discerning choice for local and international instructions.”

Dr. Michael Wallinger – laut IAM: “Michael Wallinger is one of the true greats in German patent litigation. His vast experience and technical brilliance make his arguments solid in invalidity proceedings and his support in infringement disputes invaluable.”

Den Link zu dem zusammenfassenden Beitrag über unsere Kanzlei finden Sie hier.